Roofie test law: Everything bars in California need to know

Roofie test law: Everything bar owners in California need to know right now!
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What is the California roofie test law (AB-1013)?
Assembly Bill 1013 (AB-1013) was signed into law by Governor Newsom on Oct 7, 2023 as a result of the increasing number of people who are becoming victims of roofied drinks and sexual assaults, targeting primarily women. The bill was originally proposed by Long Beach Assemblymember Josh Lowenthal, a bar and restaurant owner himself.
The law requires California Type 48 establishments (bars and nightclubs) to provide roofie-detection devices, such as test strips, to customers. It takes effect on July 1, 2024, so bars are urged to act quickly and purchase testing kits in advance. Bar owners could face fines if they do not comply with the law by July 1, 2024.
Which steps do you need to take now?
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